Does Your Special Report Have “BOING”?

If you follow Jim Carrey on Twitter you know he loves to invent or, in some cases, completely redefine words. His latest is BOING! — which, according to him, means that something is super special. Or has substance and style. Or is really rockin’!

Why this got me thinking about special reports I’ll never know. But it did.

You see a special report, or “buzz piece” as I often call it, can do wonders for your business. Not only can it quickly position you as an expert in front of your target market, it can also significantly increase the number of leads and referrals you’re getting.

But in order for a special report to work, it’s got to have BOING!

In other words, it must have certain elements in place or else it won’t do much for your business.

I worked with a coaching client a couple of years ago who went from scratch to becoming a “star” in her industry due, in large part, to the buzz piece she created. It definitely had BOING!

On the other hand, I met an executive coach last month who spent an enormous amount of time creating his special report, only to discover it did little to bring in more work. “I think I got three requests for it from my website,” he said. “And that was over a two month period.”

So why do some special reports work well while others don’t?

I did an instructional video on this very topic last fall for International Freelancers Day. It’s called Creating A Special Report That Attracts Clients and it explains a 4-step process for creating a special report that really, really, really works well.

Very useful information. Just 12 minutes. You can view the video below (and don’t worry. It’s not one of those videos that try to sell you something at the end. It’s purely instructional):

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